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very cool

I love Money Puzzle Exchanger so when I saw a Touhou one I had to get in on this.

I was rusty at the start since I play more Magical Drop over Exchanger, I stopped later down the line but overall this is a great game and I love the animations.

The original game is a classic and I was pleasantly surprised to see it remade!

i wuv it!

i wuv anime! cona ke kana te doso. Renai circulation or Yoasobi idol.

Deleted 1 year ago

Bruhhh this is not anime

the art is anime, and the voice overs are japanese, so it's anime

No it isn't, Touhou is a game lol, not an anime, and this is a fangame btw

it's an anime game

No, the artstyle is completely different to an anime artstyle

I never played Money Exchanger before, it's pretty great. 


i love money exchanger please more games how this

yessss i really want to see if the creators do more with it please :,3 my ig is jozutime if you want to play sometime

sure play with me anytime mi IG is SAICO (@lurgxx) • Fotos y videos de Instagram

AAAAA I LOVE THISSSS I PLAYED IT LIKE OK UMM LETS SEE but i love it now!!! i really want this to be more played ! anddd a nazrin playable jsjsj owww you are so talent andddd the art all of this omg

if anyone every wants to vs hit me up on insta my tag is miyakehinata_  I'm kinda demon at this game tho

jsjsjs i really will like that :3 my insta tag is jozutime jsjs


Make online plz im tired of vsing  bots over and over 

It... already has online multiplayer support though?

YAH but only with friends i wanna vs random people online 


Fun! The character animations are brilliant. The powerups feel like a punishment because I usually can't find a match.

Whoa, this one's pretty fun! I would probably never play it online though. Difficult though!!


I love it when the rush kicks in every time about 5-10 seconds before I inevitably lose. Cutely polished game! (Polishedly cute?)

(1 edit) (+1)

whoa, an incredible clone of the old-neo geo game money puzzle exchanger. everything is super polished and it feels complete. this is it, folks