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really good game, but need more friends for the multiplayer

Same honestly, looking for others to play this with


i played 1v1 with friend, but i quickly learned that perk kappa tech is too op in that case (not mentioning unlucky shrine spawns)

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oh dear- yeah tbh this game does seem designed for a larger amount of people, especially cause you'd prob need more Youkai's on one team than Reimu's

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Our server's pretty much dead but I always can send it here again  and ask my friends if they're up to play it again

Here's the link:

oh tysm! that really helps



when's steam release


I love the game so much, it's so fun and a great concept! I hope to find people I can play this with


Hope for new updates!


Great game! Love it and very fun with friends but I have a question for dev: what age rating would you say this game is?

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cool game, i love it. but the return to lobby button does not work, and i have to reopen the game


cool game with friends!!1


This game's so well done! I love the art and the visuals and everything feels balanced out once you get the hang of it!


Also we rlyrlyrly love this game, we do have a good time for having fun

There are still a few bugs for Reimu, like sometimes Reimu cannot go upstaires and sometimes youkai cannot see Reimu but Reimu can still hit youkai

We had this happen as well in playtesting. The scariest thing of all, it happens randomly and we don't know why. We think the bug only occurs in the web build so I recommend avoiding it for now.

thanks for the reply, these bugs also happen in Windows version, and why we download app because web cannot play and the netlconnect is still bad

New update W

Nitori is there any way to contact you beside the chat? I tried the Touhou Jam link you sent it doesnt work. Me and my friend want to ask you something

Some of our old links are down, you can find us at - that one should be valid. Feel free to reach out!

how do we escape?

rip, no people to play with :(

Well me and my friend created a discord server for playing this game with people I will add the link here if anyone is interested

aww the link isnt working, nooo Here you go.


add sakuya


this needs a public online server


It has actually been getting a bunch of play lately out of nowhere. I'm a bit hesitant to add public matchmaking as currently it's hovering right below the maximum for free tier of the networking relays we use, and if it gets more play it'd start running me out of pocket. I'll certainly look into it if interest holds though.

Cool, this game reminds me of dead by daylight. I do wish to see it get popular. Self promoting ain't easy and I struggle on that as well on my games. There is a way to get more people however 


people please start sharing, i really wanna see this game grow, this fun is something i havent had in a long time plus art is amazing


this game is fun! i played it with my friends but i screamed alot XD


Hi I really love the game! Tysm to the creators!


Do you have a Discord or something where I can find Players to play with? As someone with little & almost no friends it's really difficult to find people to play with.

Not strictly for our game, no, but if you are looking for people or similar works, we developed this game as part of the Touhou Game Dev community ( )


what is the soundtrack?

It's really good! It's really fun to play with friends. tbh we want something more from this game!

ayo bg riki wkwkwk

Ayo bg riki

this is really awesome

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Pretty fun. I love the style of the game. I'd love to see more of the concept art. 

It would be nice if there was a control option that didn't need a mouse to aim, and I think maybe a limited run function to let Reimu get away from the enemies would make the game a little less frustrating.

really good!

This game is fun, the online is kind of unbalanced, but it's nice, love the art and the music, good luck!